AJAP - AMAMIHE Journal of Applied Philosophy
Vol. 21 No. 2, 2023
Benedict Michael S. PhD & Akpa Matthew Ikechukwu


This study is the examination of Spinoza's notion of the attribute of power and authority from the abnitio vest on the supernatural being(God). Spinoza expressed this position in several of his works, especially in his ethics where he contends that man is capable of knowing everything but himself. The fundamental aim of Spinoza's Ethics is to naturalize and rationalize human life in opposition to the philosophical tradition that looks at the realm of "the emotions and actions of men" as something extra-natura or anti-natura alien or opposite to a rational understanding. using critical and analytic methods the study seeks to show that Spinoza's commitment to his ethics is the search for mankind's reason as the basis of morality. The paper discovers, that his ethics is an attempt to give reason to human facts that are usually not susceptible to a rational explanation, and are condemned to pure irrationality. And that the thought that man can explain everything, know everything and dominate everything, but himself is faulty. The study concludes by asserting that Spinoza's moral philosophy will obviate human rights and individual responsibility. And as a result, the idea of moral responsibility becomes untenable.

Keywords: Spinoza, Freedom, Determinism, Moral Responsibility, Ethics

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